(Closing Date Friday March 10th)
Who Should Consider Leaving Certificate Applied
- Someone who wants to stay in school and do a Leaving Cert.
- Someone who prefers learning by doing.
- Someone who is motivated by continual assessment.
- Someone who wants to do Work Experience to help them with their career choice.
- Someone who wants to develop skills which help them in their future career.
- Someone who knows they want to go straight into the workplace after school
English and Communications, Mathematical Applications, Irish, French, Social Studies, Vocational Preparation and Guidance, Art, PE – Leisure and Recreation, ICT, Home Economics – Hotel Catering and Tourism, Childcare and Community Care
Our specialism subjects are:
- Childcare and Community Care
- Hotel and Catering and Tourism
These are areas of Employment Opportunities for our students.
Continual Assessment. You Earn Credits (points) in January and May of both Years (5th and 6th Yr). Credits are earned from 3 Assessments
- 90% Attendance and Completion of Class Assignments (classwork)
- Tasks (projects) are completed in class in different subjects over the 2 years.
- Written exam
5th year on French/Irish
6th year in English, Maths, Irish, Social Education
I.C.T. and Community Care/Hotel Catering and Tourism
62 Credits = Attendance and Assignments
70 Credits = 7 Tasks Project Work
68 Credits = 7 Final exams
Pass = 120-139. (60%-69
Merit. (70%-84%)
Distinction. (85%-100%)
The Difference
It is a practical subject with emphasis on Preparation for the World of Work.
Work Experience is a big part of the program as students go out once a week, Tuesdays, both years!